A Bible Centered Ministry
Independent - Evangelistic

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       We're Glad You're Here!
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Welcome to SSBC, we are so glad you are here. It would be our pleasure to have you and your family worship with us. We are a Bible-centered ministry with a focus on the truths of God’s Word and their personal application to daily living. Please join us each Lord’s Day to lift up the name of Jesus!

Rev. Robert A. Sargent, Pastor

Church Mission

The purpose of this church shall be the preaching of the Gospel; the witnessing for Christ by teaching and example; the winning of people to Christ; the administration of the ordinances (Baptism & Lord’s Supper) of the New Testament; the spiritual growth of its members; the promotion of missionary effort throughout the world, and the application of Christian principles in all relationships of life.

  25 Church Street (Gardner’s Neck Rd. at Church St), Swansea, MA 02777 -- (508) 672 – 3382


Register for VBS! Aug 5-9
  Kingdom of Light
Grades K4-6, 9am to Noon
Monday Registration 8:30 am -- Friday Picnic Noon-2:00
Email Connie with questions!

Child's Name      
Grade Complete
City, State, Zip     
Parent's Name     
Parent's Phone     
Work Phone          
Parent's E-Mail      
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Medical Concerns - List      
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